Phường 3, Viet Nam
320 Đường 30/4
+84 819111900
Incredibly polite customer and sales service by the vietnamese counter staff and the technicians in-charge of wifi installation. The 50mbps wifi service i paid 1350000vnd in advance for six months was running at downloading speed of 26mbps!! Wow!! And they said they had to check this that here there everything everywhere and in the end no linkin park. Only slow, stammering internet plus no connection. Two months had passed, nothing was amended to restore the wifi speed which I upgraded from type 30mbps to 50mbps to the supposingly correct speed. The technicians from venuafuang company also used a stranger vnmese's name to register the wifi service which supposed to be under my name Local users whom i borrowed wifi from seems fine. Anyone knows why?
越南的通訊網絡公司據我們知道的有幾家。什麼Piettel, finaphone和nabifone的。。手費超貴!還拍顧客的大臉照呢,在買sim卡的同時也有其他越南籍顧客買卡她們不用拍臉照,這是怎回事啊??? 之后,在越南某地方用她們的wifi上網分享照片。發覺不是不能上載照片,就是手機莫名其妙故障了。這包括手機內的個人應用程式中的圖庫與資料無法顯示出來,甚至無法開啟,取出。是人都知有鬼在搞怪
Trung tâm kinh doanh VNPT - Vinaphone
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